“Working with mirrors and glass opens up the volumetric space in the image, and adds a dimension to the piece that invites questions around observation that feel increasingly central to the work.”

“The process of responding to AI’s visual suggestions, and selecting a path through those alternatives, connects to the back of the mind. What lies outside the edges of the photographic frame, which is iteratively constructed with digital painting and generative tools, often turns out to be an image stored in one’s own unconscious.”

“Virtual and mixed reality allow you to step into a scene, and explore, without traditional narrative structure. I’ve found the hardest part is deciding what not to do, because almost anything is possible. I’ve chosen to simplify, and heighten the attention. I’ve also learned that showing directly-related physical work contributes to a more complete experience.”

“This is another work exploring the mystery of time... and memory. The video sequences slow, rewind, and fragment events — merging episodes from disparate periods and places into a shared space, a sort of continuum that exists outside time.”

“The lenticulars condense five frames into dozens of images that transform as you move. The synaptic flash of memory is what interests me, the mind calling up partial records of past events. Recreating that experience allows me to see it more clearly. That’s partly my subject, emotional experience — seen through the lens of shattered time.”